Sugary Sweet 9 Foot Artificial Christmas Trees

Sugary Sweet 9 Foot Artificial Christmas Trees

Why Sugary Sweet 9 Foot Artificial Christmas Trees Are the Perfect Addition to Your Holiday Decor

Every year that you put up your 9 foot artificial Christmas trees, you may be using the same theme year after year. We get that! After all, it can be daunting to come up with a new theme, and then you may feel as though it is wasteful to change out your theme each year. However, for those who would love to change out their theme each year, this year you may want to consider a Sugary Sweet Theme. It is definitely going to be colorful, yet also a fun way to celebrate the holidays this year.

What is a Sugary Sweet theme? This is a theme that is going to turn your 9 foot artificial Christmas trees into something that the kids will love, and also something that is going to be full of excitement and fun.

Here are a few of the must have elements that you will need for your Sugary Sweet theme:

– Garland in silver to put throughout the tree to add some shimmer and help to fill space on your 9 foot artificial Christmas trees.

– Filler bulb ornaments in silver, pink, red, white, blue and other fun colors. Try to keep this at about four different colors.

– Specific ornaments that are all about sweet treats. This will include cupcakes, cookies, candy canes, ice cream cones, candy and the like. You will find that there is a wide assortment for your 9 foot artificial Christmas trees that are made from blown glass…which are gorgeous but very fragile, so be careful.

– The topper can be the traditional star if you so choose. Or you can go a step further and make your own cupcake to place on the top of your tree…it will be something that is unique and different.

If you love sweet things, then this is a must-try theme for your 9 foot artificial Christmas trees.