Love Bigfoot? How to Decorate Your 15 Foot Artificial Christmas Trees As A Homage To These Mythical Beasts

Believe in Bigfoot? Spruce Up Your Home with These 15 Foot Artificial Christmas Trees!
Are you one of those people who believe that there could be more out there than what we really think? Are you one of those who watch all those shows on television that are hunting for the mystical Bigfoot, Yeti and/or Sasquatch? Do you have a sense of humor and want to ensure that everyone knows this when they step into your home? If so, then do we have the idea for you! You can easily decorate your 15 foot artificial Christmas trees to pay homage to the mystical beasts that many argue are not out there, and it can definitely be something that is going to make people giggle when they see it. It is a fun theme that is a bit out there, but it will definitely showcase your personal preferences.
So, how can you make your 15 foot artificial Christmas trees pay homage to these mystical beasts? Here are the steps to take and you will find that you can add elements if you need to that are more personal to your tastes!
An Enchanting Tribute to Bigfoot: Transform Your 15 Foot Tree with These Bold Design Concepts
The first step is to get your 15 foot artificial Christmas trees set up and ready to go. Be sure to follow the directions on how to get this tree set up properly so that it does not fall over and is sturdy for what you plan on doing. This can take some time, but you want to ensure that all the branches are spread out and that the tree looks as real as possible. After all, you want this to look like something that you would see out in the middle of the woods.
Next, you can choose to not use any lights on this tree at all to make this look more realistic. However, you will want to use two bright lights, either white or red that you are going to place towards the back of the tree. This is the eyes that are going to be peaking out at you from behind the tree.
From there, you are going to add in a few pine cones, holly berries, or what have you that you would find on a natural tree. The idea is to make this look as realistic as possible, luckily these 15 foot artificial Christmas trees are going to look realistic as is.
To take this a step further, make sure that your tree skirt is going to have a Bigfoot print on it, as though the Bigfoot just stepped forth and is not hiding behind the 15 foot artificial Christmas trees. The topper can be a star, after all, you would see stars out during the night, or you can opt for nothing, depending upon your personal tastes.
It is definitely going to get some laughs out of those who see these. And who knows, with this type of theme you may find someone that is just as big of a mystical beast believer as you are!